Tuesday 10 April 2012

Yvette - Hipsters and Vice

Vice magazine are a publication probably called Hipster by everyone else but Hipsters, but here in this video they have took a satirical look at the Dalston Hipsters of London, there's a whole series of these and I have on good authority from a few people I know living in London this isn't even exaggerated..

Notice the 'Supreme' logo reference in all the titles? Supreme is a brand that has become massive worldwide within fashion in the past year. And slowly starting to became labeled 'hipster' http://accidentalchinesehipsters.tumblr.com/ I really enjoy this tumblr

1 comment:

  1. "steve job anal tumor" defiantly has a shock factor to it, I wonder if the band was any good.

    Interesting the sense of community that was shown in the video and how creative they classed themselves as.

    Ha I love the accidental Chinese hipster!
